Life of a Teenager

Saturday, June 03, 2006

"Almost perfect, but not quite."

In marching band I play the drums, and last year I played the snare drum. This year I wanted to play a new instrument called the tri-toms or tri's for short.
So I tried out for the tri's, but so did three other people. Unfortunately we only have three tri's at our school, and guess who didn't make it. Me. So I was pretty mad. But the good thing is that the day we figured out who did and who didnt make the part is that the band and choir members went to an amusement park for a "reward", so that took my mind of it instead of being mad all day in school.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Se7ens meme

Well, I got tagged again by nettie.

7 things I want to do before I die:

Go on a mission
Graduate from college
Get married in the temple
Have kids
Play Drums good awsome
Work at Bungie or ESRB
Go to Egypt

7 things I can't do

A backflip, even on a trampoline (even though I'm pretty close)
Beat my uncle at Halo
Run a mile in less than 6 minutes and 40 seconds
Whistle (with my braces)
Play drums as good as my dad
Long jump more than 11 ft
Save my money for very long

7 things that attracted me to my spouse

not married....
still not married.....
hmmm... nope.... still not married.....
jeez..... stop asking me questions.....
not going to be married for at least 9 years.....
*sigh* this is getting old.....
finally this question is over...... :)

7 things I say often

Be quiet! (to my sisters)
See ya (to many people)
Perhaps! (don't ask)
oook then....
touch it and die (also to my sisters, although I don't mean the die part)
I hate school.... (I say it daily)
What the heck? (for various reasons)

7 books I love:

Jarka Ruus
Pawn of prophecy
Star Wars episode III
Garfield books
Far Side books
Calvin and Hobbs books

7 movies I watch over and over

The Star Wars saga
Battlefield Earth
Harry Potter movies
Pirates of the Carribean
The Incredibles
National Treasure

A couple people who I tag (couldn't come up with seven)


Thats all I got!